Passes are tighter and typically more heavily themed areas that connect between other zones. Let's talk about Passes first, and give a few examples of what makes them different. All offer random dungeons, random events, and lots of exploration for players. There are multiple Passes and Overworld areas in each Act of the game. We have broken down our outdoor areas into two different types: Passes and Overworld areas. Torchlight II introduces randomized outdoor areas throughout the game, in many sizes. Making the World of Torchlight II by Patrick Blank In addition, we have a Level Design Q & A with Patrick Blank and Jason Beck with questions asked by Runic Forums members. We will be explaining a bit about what to expect from the different types of areas, how they are technically different from each other, and how the environments compare to the first Torchlight game. This week, we have a double feature! Here we are pulling back the curtain and giving players a sneak peek into a few environments of Torchlight II with an introduction by Patrick Blank, Lead Level Designer. Every other week until E3, Runic Games is giving you a glimpse of the awesomeness that is Torchlight II! Last time around, we gave you a sneak peek of the music you will hear on your journey.